Teaching materials

       Teaching materials  is a generic term used to describe the resources teachers use to deliver instraction.Teaching materials can support student learning and increas student success.Idealy,the teaching materials will be tailored to the content in which they are being used,to they students in whose theya are being used,and the teacher.Teaching materials can in many shapes and sizes but they all have in common the ability to support learning. Using TLM can greatly assist students in the learning process. Learning materials in teaching are crucial to the success of student achievement. That is, the instructional components of lesson planning in teaching depend on the selection of teaching materials. "Teaching materials" is a generic term used to describe the resources teachers use to deliver instruction. Teaching materials can support student learning and increase student success. Ideally, the teaching materials will be tailored to the content in which they're being used, to the students in whose class they are being used, and the teacher. Teaching materials come in many shapes and sizes, but they all have in common the ability to support student learning.Teaching materials are different from teaching resource,the letters more including theoritical and intangible elements,such as essays or support from other educators, more pleces to find teaching materials.

Student Learning Support
    Learning materials are important because they can significantly increase student achievement by supporting student learning. For example, a worksheet may provide a student with important opportunities to practice a new skill gained in class. This process aids in the learning process by allowing the student to explore the knowledge independently as well as providing repetition. Learning materials, regardless of what kind, all have some function in student learning.

Lesson Structure
       Learning materials can also add important structure to lesson planning and the delivery of instruction. Particularly in lower grades, learning materials act as a guide for both the teacher and student in that they offer a valuable routine. For instance, if you are a language arts teacher and you teach new vocabulary words every Tuesday, knowing that you have a vocabulary game to provide the students with practice regarding the new words will both take pressure off of you and provide important practice (and fun) for your students.

Differentiation of Instruction
       Instructional differentiation is also a part of the learning experience in the classroom. The learning materials differentiate according to the types of learning styles. Differentiation of instruction is the tailoring of lessons and instruction to the different learning styles and capacities within your classroom. Learning materials such as worksheets, group activity instructions, games, or homework assignments all allow you to modify assignments to best activate each individual student's learning style.

Acquiring Teaching Materials
      Attaining teaching materials is not difficult. There are plenty of instructional resources to support lesson planning and teaching. The Internet has many resources for teachers, most of them free, that can significantly increase the contents of your teaching toolbox. You can also make your own materials. Every learning material you develop will be an asset to you when you next teach a similar unit. An investment of time or money in good teaching materials is an investment in good teaching.

2.Types of Learning Materials

Interactive Lessons
   Interactive Lessons covering reading, basic math skills, and topics in science make learning more interactive. They can be used to present new information and reinforce lessons taught in the classroom. After viewing a multimedia presentation, students can respond to questions or complete other activities to demonstrate their knowledge.
In addition, the Interactive Lessons include components that can be printed and completed away from the computer. Teachers may want to assign these activities to students as classroom activities or special projects.

Encyclopedia Activities
         By using Encyclopedia Activities, students will learn about history and government as they practice using the encyclopedia as a research tool. The activities are provided as PDFs, which makes them easy to print and distribute to students. Each activity requires students to read one or more articles from Compton's by Britannica or Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia and complete a series of questions, matching exercises, or other activities. An excellent supplement to other classroom materials, students may complete the activities individually or in small groups.

        Learning is more enjoyable with interactive exercises for grades K-5 covering language arts, mathematics, and science. The exercises have been carefully developed to coincide with educational objectives, and are best used to reinforce concepts taught in the classroom. Students can work independently to complete the exercises, giving them valuable extra practice in basic skills. Topics include: basic mathematical functions, fractions and decimals, grammar, reading comprehension, and introductory concepts in earth, life, and physical sciences.

    An innovative way to strengthen students' understanding of mathematics, manipulatives use the power of a computer to illustrate mathematical relationships and applications. These virtual learning environments require active student involvement. Teachers may want to use these to demonstrate different mathematical concepts in the classroom. Student may also work independently with the manipulatives to expand and reinforce their abilities.

Study Guides
The study guides enable revision and practice, and provide an extension of classroom learning. The carefully designed activities test knowledge and understanding of what has been taught in the study guide panels. The additional Web links and resources further enhance and stimulate learning and motivation.

Web Site Activities
    Students will learn to use the Internet as a research tool with these guided Web Site Activities that cover topics in language arts, science, and social studies. They are provided as PDFs, making them easy to print and distribute to students. While every teacher will have his or her own approach to using the activities, it will be helpful for the teacher to introduce the topic, providing any background information the student might need.
Students can work independently at the computer, following the activity and using the Internet as instructed -- either on their own or in small groups, depending on the scope of the activity and the availability of Internet access. Upon completion of the tasks set out in the activity, discussions during which students can share and compare the information they found can be helpful. This is especially true of the longer, more in-depth activities, which ask students to prepare a presentation with the information they've collected.

3. Examples of Teaching Materials

    Activity-based learning employs a variety of teaching/learning materials and focuses on student interaction to learn new concepts. Context-specific learning materials enhance the process.

Story Books
Story books make great teaching-learning materials. A teacher can read this book to the class as a whole, then have students write a brief essay summarizing the book and explaining what they thought of the story. And at the elementary school level, book reports provide a great way to have students engage with the books they read, either individually or together with the class.

In the current digital age, there are plenty of websites that offer free educational videos for kids. Videos provide real, visual images that can help enliven learning, but you need to be careful to choose videos that have real educational value. Websites that offer free learning videos include the Khan Academy, which offers videos on basic and advanced math, English grammar and literature, science, and even preparation.

     Games can be useful in teaching students everything from money and grammar to social skills. Sight words bingo, for example, can help students learn their basic sight words, but there are also relatively inexpensive bingo games that teach money skills, Spanish, telling time, and even English grammar.

      Even in this age of computers and internet-based learning materials, flashcards can be particularly useful for students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Printing high-frequency words, also known as sight words, on the front of flashcards with short definitions on the back can create a good learning tool for students who have auditory or visual learning styles.

Computer Software and Apps
     Plenty of learning computer software is available online. Interactive software programs can help English language learners study grammar and other elements of the English language. And apps, such as for tablet computers and even smartphones, offer instruction in everything from foreign languages to information on the Common Core Standards as well as university-level lectures and lessons for students—many of the apps are free.


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